The Taxation and Salary Act of 7550.

AN ACT to Repeal the Peers' Salary Act of 7533, the Tax Collection and Salary Payment Act of 7537, the Secretary of State (Salary) Act of 7543, and Certain Portions of the Omnibus Financial Act of 7530; and to Authorize the Most Honourable the Privy Council to Levy Certain Taxes and Expend Funds for Various Purposes.

Proposed by the Duke of Numenor.

WHEREAS various statutory provisions for the collection of income taxes have proved ineffective and

WHEREAS the salaries stipends and other compensations of various officers of His August Majestie have long gone unpaid and

WHEREAS further statutes to enforce the taxation and salary statutes have themselves gone unenforced

NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Peers of the Realms and other Representatives of the true and faithful subjects of HIS AUGUST MAJESTIE THE KING of Gondor and Arnor in Council-General Assembled, to be a Statute among them, honoured as the King's Own Word would be honoured, until they themselves unmake the law, or the King Return, or the World End, THAT

ARTICLE ONE. Repeal. Article Four, "Taxation," and Article Five, "Salaries," of the Omnibus Financial Act of 7530, as revised, the Peers' Salary Act of 7533, the Tax Collection and Salary Payment Act of 7537, and the Secretary of State (Salary) Act of 7543 be and are hereby repealed.

ARTICLE TWO. Authorization. Article Two, Section (e), of the Privy Council Act of 7527, as amended, be and hereby is amended to read:

(e) the Privy Council shall be entitled, for the defrayal of the expenses of its own operation, to the revenues from treasure trove, flotsam and jetsam; and shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the defense and general welfare of the realms, provided, that no such tax, duty, impost or excise shall be levied on any return accruing to subjects of His August Majestie solely in respect of any sort of business, trade, or investment conducted outside His August Majestie's realms.

ARTICLE THREE. Implementation. Section One. This Act shall have full force and effect from and after the time of its passage by the Council-General.

Section Two. This Act may be cited as the Taxation and Salary Act of 7550.